Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas decoration boundaries!

Every two year old needs some rules! At least that is good in theory! If they follow the rules is another matter all together! Cooper has loved the decorations this year as we expected, so a few guidelines have been established in our house. I decided to put two ornaments that he liked that were not breakable at the bottom of the tree where he could get them down and play with them. We will see if he the system for the rest of the month, but so far, so good! The nativity set has proven to be a hit as well! It turned out to be as cute as it looked!

putting the puppy dog ornament that he loves back on the tree

the accomplishment of the night- getting this little boy to smile for the camera!
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The Felkins said...

Too cute! We put lights and ornaments on our tree last night. The kids are a huge help with decorating as they get older! And they love to put their ornaments on the tree.

Kathy said...

I love the white tree - good luck with the ornaments - I have done the same but with only limited success. I will give you a call when I get to Jackson for Christmas!
