Sunday, January 6, 2013

Catching up on the holidays...

We have had a wonderful holiday season this year!  The kids and I have been on Christmas break hiatus for the last two and a half weeks, and I decided I needed to catch the blog up before heading back to work!  Going way back, Cooper had a sweet Thanksgiving program at school where he was an indian!

I am going to let our Christmas days be captured mostly by some pictures:

Seeing Santa

Showing off their Christmas artwork for Nan

In her pretty princess nightgown!

All RA asked for was a unicorn- Nan did not disappoint!

The thank you note Cooper left Santa for one of his toys he got last year!  He can be pretty sweet when he wants to be!

Disney world in January!  Lots of Disney goodies from Mom and Dad for Christmas

Santa's loot

Love the sleepy stair pictures!

Our break this year was very back-loaded, which has been absolutely fabulous!  We have had many a lazy pajama day around here, and while in those pajamas, I have been somewhat productive fitting in random home chores!   I am so thankful for the many, many blessings of this Christmas season especially for these sweet kids!
