Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recent Happenings...

Last weekend we had a fun "petting zoo" birthday party for Cooper's friends and neighbors, Cade & Millie! Despite the cold, the kids had a great time with the animals! Cooper is more of an active observer, so he was cautious about just running up to the amimals, but he had fun feeding them with Dan and riding the horse!
This morning we woke up to snow & ice in Jackson! Dan & Cooper got out in in to play for a minute and here are a few pictures! It has sure been cold enough this winter to have this kind of weather! After being stuck in the house, we are ready for spring around here!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A highchair no longer

Cooper has had one of these stokke chairs which we love for many reasons. We decided last night that it was time to remove the baby rail and make the chair more of a booster that will pull right up to the table. Cooper loves it! I turned around tonight and caught him in the picture above climbing into the chair (the seat of which is actually about 6 inches higher than our kitchen chairs)! We'll have to keep a better eye on this little monkey!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

over the long weekend...

Cooper, Edie (my mom) and I made a quick trip to Nashville for a few errands and lunch with sister Ashlie (otherwise known as Sis-sis)! We had a fun trip with one highlight being the fact that Cooper endured 4 hours in the car without a DVD player! I was starting to think we would not make it without the Tahoe amenities, but he did great! Dan and I ran to Memphis on Saturday night for the Memphis Tigers basketball game and a little Rendezvous! The rest of the weekend was pretty much spent in pajamas, huddled up inside trying to brave the cold weather!
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Funny Cooper Moments!

This little boy of ours keeps us in constant stitches! He does and says the funniest things all day long! One of these moments is the one below where we found him sitting on the couch having the best time reading his mom's magazine. Today, he went into my room and shut the door. When Edie & I went in to check on him, he was propped up on the chaise with his legs crossed putting on his chapstick.

At night, we say prayers before going to sleep and on our nightly list is to ask God to Bless all of our family. Tonight we had gone throught the entire list when Cooper started again saying, "God Bless Uncle Rob, Nan, and Nan's house!" I guess he spends so much time at Nan's house that he thought it was worth praying for! The other morning when I was getting him dressed he asked me to turn out the light. He said, "Mama, that light is so hot!"

We are enjoying this age so much, even with the challenges that 2 year olds bring!

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Sunday, January 4, 2009

The boy's first black eye...

but definitely not his last! Cooper ran into the window facing and got the nastiest looking eye from it! We are learning by the hardest about these little boys! They sure are fun, but the terrible twos with a rambunctious nature thrown in is giving us a run for our money! Everyone says we are just spoiled because Cooper has been so good from the very beginning, but it is an adjustment, nonetheless!
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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! Dan and I celebrated New Year's Eve with our community group and had a progressive party through our neighborhood. We had a great time, but somehow this was the only picture that I wound up taking- all of the girls! Cooper brought in the New Year having a blast at his Nan's house! Hope 2009 is a blessed year for everyone!
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