Thursday, November 27, 2008

So Thankful!

We have had a great Thanksgiving so far, and we haven't even begun the eating yet! Dan, Natalie, Josie, & I ran in the 5K Turkey Trot and now we are relaxing at home watching the Macy's Parade before the family festivities begin! I have always thought of Thanksgiving as my favorite holiday, and this year is no different. I am thankful for all of my family and friends and that there are many women in my family who love to cook more than I do, so we will have yummy food today and leftovers for days to come! Happy Thanksgiving!
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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Too cold for girls!

Dan and his good friend, Josh, who teach Jr. High Boys Sunday School took a group of guys camping last weekend. After much debate about whether to go or not (the low was 18 degrees here), they all decided to forge ahead with the trip, and they had a great time!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Meaningful decoration idea

Even though this Christmas will be Cooper's third, it is definitely the first one he will understand so I am trying to get creative about ways to make it meaningful & Christ-centered. I am all about Santa and all that comes with the jolly man, but I wanted a nativity that was very kid-friendly for Cooper to play with. I found this one here and thought it was so cute and a great price! I will update when I get it in the mail. I hope it is the hit of our Christmas decorations!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Doctor's Office...

Thank goodness for slides and daddies at the doctor's office to help entertain this very busy 2-year old on a hectic Monday afternoon. After a very long day our pediatrician got a kick out of Cooper's speaking abilities for a boy his age. She busted out laughing when he asked for her calculator! Cooper- you passed your two-year check up with flying colors! I tried to get a picture of how static-filled your hair was after many a trip down the slide, but it didn't work, so this picture will have to do!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Daddy is the coolest!

We love Monday nights around here! What a great night to settle into the week and just enjoy being together. Tonight, Cooper's Daddy made Monday night even better with some wrestling and Cooper's first fort! He loved it and kept calling it his "fork!" I think this might be a regular occurance at this little boy's house! Thanks, Daddy!
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Saturday, November 8, 2008


Do you remember when band-aids would cure any ailment or soreness immediately? I sure wish they worked for this 30-year old runner like they do for my 2-year-old! Happy Weekend!

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Praying for our Nation

As my disappointment about the election results yesterday has set in, I decided today that the best thing to do is to pray. I am a firm believer in God's sovereignty, and I know that He has chosen Obama to be our leader at this exact point in time. As many, many challenges loom ahead of us and especially Obama and his team, the only thing I can do is to pray for him and our country. I found this website called the Presidential Prayer Team that encourages Americans to pray for our current president, president-elect, nation, and military, and I thought it might be something worthwhile to share with everyone.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Cooper's Halloween Birthday Party!

Here are some pictures from Cooper's party! The weather was perfect, and everyone had a great time! It was great seeing all of the little ones in costumes while celebrating Cooper turning two!

Mickey Mouse!

Mickey and Minnie (aka Sadie, the Edwards' family dog)

Cooper, Gracie, & Lydia in Cooper's new golf cart

The kiddos at play

Some of the moms and little ones at the party

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Wow, how two years flies by! It was two years ago when Dan and I ventured to the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of "Baby Sikes!" We chose not to find out what we were having, and for some reason we both thought it was a girl! Boy- were we wrong! After a long labor process, Daniel Cooper Sikes arrived, and he forever changed our lives! He turns two today, and after celebrating at a great "Halloween Birthday Party" last night (will post pictures soon!), we are having a quiet birthday celebrating this little boy!

I wanted to share some things that make Cooper so special at this stage in his little life! He is such a little character- being the only grandchild on both sides does not help! He thinks the world revolves around him, and most of the time he is right! He loves to drive! This includes most anything with wheels (including pretending in mom & dad's cars which is not the best idea!). His favorite thing to drive today is the motorized golf cart that Edie & G-Chip gave him for his birthday- he is obsessed! He loves his family- Nan, Uncle Rob, Edie, G-Chip, Nanie (Eric, too), Sis-sis, Granny- and his extended family- Dodo & B & the Yeaglins- and he prays for all of them each night! He loves to say the blessing, too, and will make sure this is done at almost every meal with a hearty "Amen" at the end! He loves to "go" almost anywhere! He loves music of any kind & dancing to it! When he says "thank you" it is immediately followed by "welcome" (it is the cutest thing)! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the only TV show he watches, and of course, Mickey is his favorite! He loves visiting his grandparents houses and knows when we are headed to either one of them! He loves the dogs that are around including Sadie, Annie, Parker and Phoebe (the Yeaglin's dogs) and Hallie (the Coble's dog). He sleeps with his frog, dog (that cousin Jill made for him), and Mickeys (yes, two of them!) every night and has to bring them downstairs with him most mornings! He loves to be outside! He loves ketchup and will eat almost anything dipped in it! He loves dum-dum suckers- almost any flavor!

Cooper is such a blessing in our lives, and we are daily thankful for him! Happy Birthday, Coop! We can't believe you are two!

Cooper then and...

