Saturday, November 1, 2008


Wow, how two years flies by! It was two years ago when Dan and I ventured to the hospital anxiously awaiting the arrival of "Baby Sikes!" We chose not to find out what we were having, and for some reason we both thought it was a girl! Boy- were we wrong! After a long labor process, Daniel Cooper Sikes arrived, and he forever changed our lives! He turns two today, and after celebrating at a great "Halloween Birthday Party" last night (will post pictures soon!), we are having a quiet birthday celebrating this little boy!

I wanted to share some things that make Cooper so special at this stage in his little life! He is such a little character- being the only grandchild on both sides does not help! He thinks the world revolves around him, and most of the time he is right! He loves to drive! This includes most anything with wheels (including pretending in mom & dad's cars which is not the best idea!). His favorite thing to drive today is the motorized golf cart that Edie & G-Chip gave him for his birthday- he is obsessed! He loves his family- Nan, Uncle Rob, Edie, G-Chip, Nanie (Eric, too), Sis-sis, Granny- and his extended family- Dodo & B & the Yeaglins- and he prays for all of them each night! He loves to say the blessing, too, and will make sure this is done at almost every meal with a hearty "Amen" at the end! He loves to "go" almost anywhere! He loves music of any kind & dancing to it! When he says "thank you" it is immediately followed by "welcome" (it is the cutest thing)! Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is the only TV show he watches, and of course, Mickey is his favorite! He loves visiting his grandparents houses and knows when we are headed to either one of them! He loves the dogs that are around including Sadie, Annie, Parker and Phoebe (the Yeaglin's dogs) and Hallie (the Coble's dog). He sleeps with his frog, dog (that cousin Jill made for him), and Mickeys (yes, two of them!) every night and has to bring them downstairs with him most mornings! He loves to be outside! He loves ketchup and will eat almost anything dipped in it! He loves dum-dum suckers- almost any flavor!

Cooper is such a blessing in our lives, and we are daily thankful for him! Happy Birthday, Coop! We can't believe you are two!

Cooper then and...


1 comment:

The Brogdon's said...

