Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's river time again!

We are so excited that it is river season! Although the weather was not that great, we had a great Memorial Day weekend at the river with the family, and we are all excited about a summer full of boating and sun!

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Relaxing beach trip

Here are a few pictures from our relaxing beach trip. You can't beat quality family time, seven full days at the beach, and only really getting dressed once during the week! Cooper had a great time and really warmed up to the water by the end of the week.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Catching Up!

Ok, I am behind on the blog. Between being gone for 10 days, feeling crummy, and returning to busy life and all that it entails these days, I got a little behind! I also tried to take a computer break while at the beach. I was pretty successful and needed to detox from technology a bit! I will update on our trip and recent happenings soon, but I wanted to post this funny picture before I forgot. This is "B" (or Brad as he is known to the rest of the world) and is from the Strawberry Festival that we went to in Humboldt the morning we left for vacation. We had a great time, and this picture is priceless!
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Quick trip to the zoo!

We ran to Memphis for a quick trip to the zoo with Cooper and Dan's mom. It rained almost the entire time, but we had a great time darting from one indoor animal setup to another! We also got to ride a train at the zoo, so that made the trip worth it to Cooper!

On the train!

We are headed out tomorrow to Auburn for sister Natalie's graduation and then to the beach for some much needed rest and relaxation! Fortunately for this tired, sick, pregnant mama, Cooper's Edie, G-Chip, Nanie, and Sis-sis will be there with us for the week! He is going to be one spoiled little boy!
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