Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dodo & B

We are so blessed in the friend department! Since we moved back to our hometown about 3 1/2 years ago, the Lord has been faithful in providing us friends- old and new! Dodo & B (or by their real names, Josie & Brad) fall into that "old" category! Josie & I became friends in 2nd grade when she came to my school, and we have been friends ever since. Brad's family and mine are good family friends of many years, so you see why I classify them as old!

When we moved back we became much closer to them and their precious little boy, Jack Hale. Dan and I decided we could have kids because of how much we loved Jack Hale! Tragically, Jack Hale passed away almost two years ago when Cooper was an infant. Since then, Dodo & B have reciprocated the love for a friend's child. They are so great to Cooper, and he adores them (hence the Dodo & B names)!

Several things have happened over the last few days that involve Dodo & B, so I thought I would make this post about them! The first involved a trip to their house the other night when Dan was playing soccer and Cooper was in one of his almost terrible twos moods! Brad asked Cooper what he wanted to be for Halloween and Coop said, "Dodo!" A second later B produced this hilarious wig that looks remarkably like Dodo's long, curly, blond hair, and Coop got his wish!

Cooper and B had so much fun playing, and I appreciated him entertaining Coop for a while! Cooper thought Brad was so cool and mimicked everything he did!

After Jack Hale passed away, Josie and Brad were instrumental in bringing a playground to Jackson called Gabriel's Garden. It is a state-of-the-art playground where handicapped kids and typical kids can play together. It is such a great place, and is such an asset in our community! Dan and I took Cooper and his friend, Cade, out there today to play together and got some pictures. The playground was packed with kids enjoying the beautiful weekend morning!

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Anonymous said...

Whit! I saw your blog site listed on Dan's facebook and thought I'd check it out. Cooper is adorable!! I can't believe how much he looks like his Mama! Our son Isaac has a blog as well

Looks like ya'll are doing great!

Amy Duff Bonner

Kathy said...

Hey girl! I loved the wig!!! I am thinking that Cooper definately has a great costume for Haloween. I am thinking that Cooper and Brad have great conversations. Please tell Josie and Brad (Dodo and B) that I said hello - I would love to see all of you the next time that we are in town!
