Saturday, May 15, 2010

End of School!

Cooper has finished his first year of playschool! I can't believe it is the middle of May and that the school year is over, but it was tons of fun celebrating with his classmates and teachers! They put on the cutest program singing songs that represented all of the months of school. Cooper has had a blast singing the songs the last few weeks at home, and it was fun to see the program and all the little 2, 3, and 4 year old faces!


Cooper absolutely adores a little friend from his class and neighborhood named Lainey Kate. They share the same birthday, and we have long-standing connections with both of her parents. Cooper was all about Lainey Kate during the entire program even singing the "Valentine's" song straight to her. They had a great time together performing, and it will be fun to see them grow up together!


Cooper with his two sweet teachers, Miss Libby and Miss Jennifer. He already told me this morning that he missed Miss Libby. Thankfully, we will be returning to First Pres playschool in the fall!


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