Saturday, May 15, 2010

8 Months


Reese Ann is 8 months old! She is such a joy and is developing her own little personality! She is such a happy baby and a great eater and sleeper! She is eating rice cereal, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She takes a morning nap and an afternoon nap and sleeps close to 12 hours at night. She loves sitting up and playing and is very close to crawling (although this mama is not rushing it)! She and Cooper play so well together mostly under close supervision because of big brother's "rough love."

We took some pictures on Mother's Day in an antique pram that my mom had hoped we could use in Natalie & Eric's upcoming wedding for the two babies, but it did not made the wedding plans cut- not the most practical mode of transportation for two. Mom convinced me to take some pictures in it before she returned it to her friend and they are great to have to mark Reese Ann turning eight months!





1 comment:

Kathy said...

I love these pictures! That pram is perfect...I hate it didn't make the wedding cut - would have been so cute if they didn't crawl out of it! Please tell your sweet mama I said hello!
