Wednesday, December 16, 2009


We are very thankful parents today! We had a horrible household accident on Sunday when- under my supervision- Reese Ann fell off of a changing table onto a tile floor and fractured her skull. Dan encouraged me to blog about the experience to document its place in the story of our lives.

The first thing that I am thankful for is mother's intuition. Reese Ann showed no signs of a skull fracture except for a bump on her head, but Dan and I both felt led to take her to the ER.

The second thing I am thankful for is the kind, compassionate people the Lord placed in our hospital ordeal. We had to be transferred via ambulance to Memphis to Lebohner Children's hospial because there is not a pediatric neurosurgeon in Jackson, and every single nurse, doctor, emt, etc was so nice. Almost everyone of them had a story about how their son or daughter had fallen and hit their head- they were trying very hard to comfort this upset, guilt-stricken mother.

The third thing I am thankful for is our amazing family and friends! We have been so loved-on and cared for by sweet friends and our wonderful families. We are truly blessed!

There are many, many more things that I am thankful for, but the last I will mention in this post is for Reese Ann's health. She has done as well as she possibly could have throughout this ordeal, and is recovering very well. We had an ultrasound today to confirm her progress, and we see the pediatric neurologist again in a couple of weeks. I have been so thankful for her life since my horrific pregnancy ended, but the Lord has made me even more so after this ordeal!


The Kelleys said...

whit!! so thankful to the LORD for bringing you all through this. and i'm thankful for your blog letting me know. so glad reese ann is ok. bless your heart. love you. sellie

brookej said...

oh my goodness! i am so sorry and will be praying for reese ann and you all. so thankful you and dan went on to the er. keep us posted and we'll be praying. love, brooke
