Sunday, October 4, 2009

1 month old!


Reese Ann is one month old today! In some ways it has flown by and in others, it seems like she has been here forever! I thought I would try to do a monthly update on the blog throughout her first year of life- mainly so that I can keep up and remember!

A few things about this little girl at one month old... she is a good sleeper except after being fed at 10- then she likes to be up! I think she might be a night owl like her daddy and her G-Chip. She makes some of the funniest faces many of them accompanied by grunts! She goes through more diapers than I could have possibly imagined! She has started smiling a little bit (as the above picture taken by Nan shows)! She loves to have her arms right by her face unless she is asleep on her back and then they fall to the sides. Her newborn size diapers are starting to get a little snug- she has been so tiny! Lots of her newborn size clothes are just now starting to fit! She tolerates Cooper's "rough love" pretty well- including him bopping her on the head to turn her into Sleeping Beauty. She has been quite a joy and a great baby! We are so thrilled to be on this side of the baby process, and look forward to everyday and each change that it brings!

Cooper loving on his "baby sister!"

asleep on daddy's shoulder

hanging out with Granny

on the floor with big brother

Dan with his little ones!


The Felkins said...

So cute! I can't wait to meet her!!! She is adorable, and Cooper looks like a proud big brother. Love the sleeping beauty imagination!

The Kelleys said...

Whit!! She's beautiful!!! So precious! Wes and I loved the pictures. We both said, again, how much she looks like you!!!! Love it! Hope you are good.
