Monday, December 30, 2013

Our Fall Family Getaway

We made a quick, whirlwind trip to the beach to hang out with Dan's college friends and their families, and on the way back home, we stopped in Auburn to take in a football game!  It has been a fun football season with Auburn's fantastic turnaround, and Cooper has become obsessed with all things football!  He loved Auburn (his first trip there for a football game in several years) and so did Reese Ann!
Lots of fun was had on the beach with friends!

The kids decked out in their Auburn garb!

Love this sweet picture- melts this mama's heart!

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With Cam's statue- we all thought it was pretty cool!

Reese Ann may have thought the majorette's were a little cooler, though!

Loved hanging out in downtown Auburn
Game-time fun!  War Eagle!

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