Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Start of School!

We have had a couple of eventful weeks around here trying to settle into school!  Cooper is in Kindergarten- I can't believe it!  He is loving every second of it and doing very well with the structure.  It helped him a lot by starting Jr. Kindergarten last year.  He has jumped right back into reading and is soaking up all of the new experiences that come along with Kindergarten!

We decided to go ahead and send Reese Ann to the three-year-old program at USJ (called Cubs) this year.  She is the baby in the class since she is still not quite three, but she has risen to the occasion!  She loves going to school everyday with her brother and has had so much fun with her friends and sweet teachers!

Sweet siblings smiling for their mom on the first day of school!

The uniforms about killed me with this little girl although the red shoes helped it not be so painful!  Continuing with the summer of dresses, RA refuses to wear any uniform that is not a dress!

Cooper and Dan walking in with all of his supplies!  Cooper was very happy to be there!

Coop and his favorite buddy, George, who wound up in the same class again along with several other of their little friends!  Their teacher, Miss Jennifer, has handled the boys very well at the start of school!

RA getting acquainted with her classroom and one of her teachers, Miss Amanda!

What almost 3-year-old girl doesn't love a kitchen?!

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