Saturday, June 30, 2012

End of School

Now that a month has passed since summer began, I decided that I needed to get caught up with our end of the school year festivities!  Cooper had a fabulous first year at USJ.  His Jr-K teachers and class were so great, and he truly enjoyed every minute of it!  They had an end of the school year party, and I was able to snap a few pictures from the morning.

Here is Cooper with his main teacher, Miss Cindy Wyatt.  He adored her, and she was a wonderful dose of structure for this little boy!

This is Cooper with Miss Kellie.  She was so sweet and loving with the kids all year!                                                         

Here is Cooper with his buddy, Sam, from his class.

Reese Ann had a great ending to her year at First Pres with her Spring program.  We were so sad to finish out the year there, because she will be going onto USJ for Cubs in August.  We have a LONG history at First Pres Playschool, but the director, Miss Penny, who was a teacher when I was there 30 years ago, is retiring this year, so we went out with her!

singing her songs!

Such a good picture of all of the sweet teachers!  Now RA- much more typical pose these days!  What wonderful ladies that we will miss tremendously this next school year!

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