Friday, September 23, 2011

Lately around here...

We've been keeping very busy with the beginning of fall and all of the activities that it brings! Reese Ann's playschool did not start until after Labor Day. She is going to First Presbyterian where Cooper went the last two years (and where I went many years ago). She has loved it and gotten right in the groove on her two mornings a week spent there!

I couldn't get a smile for the life of me that morning, but she really was happy to be there!

In her classroom with some friends and her teacher, Miss Jennifer.

She got right to playing after checking out the little boy who was crying hysterically in the corner!

Soccer has come to the Sikes house this fall! Dan is coaching Cooper's team along with our friend, Todd. This is the perfect picture of Cooper's interest in soccer so far- he loves the running around, but is not really interested in the ball. I tend to think he is pretending to be involved in some Star Wars drama!

Team Huddle!

With his buddy, George!

And a few pictures to capture the playing that has been happening around here lately:

dancing to the frog singing "shake, shake-it" with her trusty cup always in hand!

Star Wars Lego Wii playing in the afternoons after school, and

nothing like a little Star Wars action in underwear (Coop's favorite get-up these days)!

Oh, and last thing, we are getting ready for a move- just to the neighborhood next to ours- but a move nonetheless! It's amazing how much stuff Dan and I have accumulated in the six years we have spent in this house. More details when we come up for air!

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