Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hot Mess!

I have used the term "hot mess" or "disaster" recently to describe Reese Ann. Sometimes I think that I am being too mean to talk about my child like that, but other times I think those terms don't begin to describe how wild she actually is! Here is a picture to give a snapshot of our day:

RA has her first black eye from falling into the coffee table while dancing around. Also, please note the duct tape- it's the only way her diaper stays on at night & during her nap. She can get out of every item of clothing except for one pair of jammies, and this mom is tired of changing crib sheets!

RA with her big brother who tries really hard to help us keep her in line!

1 comment:

Kathy said...

These pics make me laugh so hard! This is my Emma Kate! Maria was so clean and EK, well, is not! Never thought of duck tape on the diaper, but might have to steal that one from you! I love these little girls...and just think - they aren't even 2!!
