Monday, December 13, 2010

15 months!

Reese Ann has hit the 15 month mark this month! She has changed so much since her first birthday, so I thought I would share some stats and pictures about our sweet baby girl! She weighs in at 21.5 lbs which is firmly planted in the 25 percentile. She took her first steps at 13 months, but just in the last few weeks has decided to make walking her main mode of transportation.


Reese Ann is a dare-devil and will get into anything including physically getting into the toy cabinet in our den!


When disciplined for her many adventurous behaviors, she can throw a mean fit! All I have to do is look at her the wrong way when she has done something she wasn't supposed to do, and she melts into a big puddle (note the actual puddle of drool that she is making in this fit)!

You can see the evidence of the adventurous behavior on her forehead in this picture! Reese Ann has had many a bump and bruise (some with the help of big brother, too).

She loves sitting in Cooper's chair, and he has been sweet to share it with her! Thankfully, Edie & G-Chip have given her one as an early Christmas present!


Reese Ann is such a joyful little girl! She is a big talker and loves blowing kisses! She loves her dolls and baby furniture, and when she decides to play with some of Cooper's toys, she picks the one pink car out of his hundreds of cars and rolls it along the floor like her brother!

She is not a great eater, but thankfully, is not allergic to milk or eggs like Cooper, so she gets the majority of calories in her diet from the many sippy cups full of milk she drinks a day. If we would let her, she would ingest only junk food and sweets- she has loved every morsel she has gotten so far!

She is quite the escape artist- she will lose her bow at any given opportunity and has gotten remarkably good at taking off her shoes and socks very quickly especially in the car. I was able to fool her a little bit with her first pair of tights last weekend for church. She tried the whole 5 minute car ride to pull them off!

We are so thankful for all that this baby girl brings to our family! Although she is growing up too fast for this momma, we are excited to see what the next few months bring in the development of her cute little personality!

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