Sunday, June 13, 2010



World Cup fever has hit the Sikes house, and it was especially intense yesterday with the US playing England for their first game. Most of you who know Dan are aware, but for the rest of you, I will enlighten you- my husband LOVES soccer!! He played growing up, then on the club team at Tennessee Tech, and as I type this, he is playing soccer in the over 100 degree heat index in an adult league. He loves to watch soccer on tv as well which is particularly annoying to me. We found a happy medium in the first few months of our marriage which was no soccer channels allowed on the bedroom tv.

All that to say that I don't like soccer, but lucky for Dan, Cooper does!!! He is into anything that his daddy likes these days which includes World Cup! Yesterday, Dan and Cooper got decked out in their matching USA soccer gear, kicked the soccer ball around, and had fun watching the game on tv. I am just thankful that I don't have to pretend to be interested anymore!

and a picture of sibling love just for kicks! R.A. looks both happy and terrified!

1 comment:

The Muncies said...

thought you would like this -- I see a soccer party in your future! :)
