Wednesday, August 26, 2009

One down, one yet to finish!


I have finally finished Cooper's big boy room! As some of you remember, the room started out purple, and the bunk beds made their appearance in March! This nausea and pregnancy have slowed me down, because I am usually OCD about getting things done pretty quickly. The room has been mostly done for a while, but with a little help from Dan and my mom, we finished it yesterday! Here are a few pictures of the room. Please ignore the couple of empty picture frames- saving those for pictures from the next few weeks! Hopefully nursery pictures will follow very soon, since we only have 8 days until baby sister arrives!








Kathy said...

So cute!! You always make things look so good. Cannot wait to see the nursery and sweet baby girl!!

Katy said...

Hey Whit!
I totally know what you mean---I am usually OCD too when it comes to getting things done, but when I was huge and prego it slowed me down alot! ;)
I am so excited for you to have your baby girl! Yay. You have so many precious moments in store. Do you have a name yet?

The Felkins said...

Super cute! Love it!
