Thursday, July 16, 2009

Toys from the 80's!


My mom has a family history of hoarding. She is only a mild pack-rat, but a pack-rat nonetheless! I am selfishly hoping that her disease does not get worse with age, because her mother, Granny, has a house full of stuff. Some of the items that my mom has saved for many years are toys. I was somewhat annoyed by her stash of 1980's toys, but they have definitely been a hit with Cooper! The picture above is of him and his Edie playing with the "city" that my mom saved from the Edwards girls' toys. Cooper loves it, and it has provided many hours of entertainment this summer.


Kathy said...

My Mom is the same way!! She is always pulling out old STrawberry Shortcake and Barbie hotels when we are in town. I hate her attic but love the entertainment for Maria when we are home!

The Felkins said...

My mom is a major pack rat...but that is no surprise to you! Kenzie has my old kitchen set. My dad had the most fun getting it back out the year she got it for Christmas, because he originally put it all together when they gave it to me. It brought back lots of great memories for all of us! Some stuff was worth hoarding I guess!
