Friday, July 25, 2008

Our first blogging experience

Ok, I have to confess that I have become fascinated with blogs! I love catching up with what is going on in everyone's lives and seeing the children of friends who live really far away! So, I have decided to join the blogging world. I wanted to make a place where everyone can see our "clan" and what is going on in our lives. Our family consists of myself, Dan, and our 20-month old little boy, Cooper. Life with Cooper is so much fun and always an adventure as any of you with kids can attest to! Hope you enjoy this view of our life!


The Felkins said...

Kenz and I love your blog! Cute template pick! We look forward to keeping up with you guys on this.

The Muncies said...

yay! so glad to find yall!

The Kelleys said...

whitney! he is the cutest thing! he is a little you with dan's curly hair. wes agreed. love you. ate lunch with della today and she asked about you. i'm sure she'll see your blog soon!
