Cooper turned six on November 1st! He had a great day and was
celebrated all day long! We began with donuts with his class. Miss
Jennifer is the sweetest teacher and made the classroom celebration so
much fun! All of his classmates went gave him compliments and then- of
course- they sang!
Cooper and Miss Jennifer- note the light up Star Wars shoes from Nanie, Sis-sis, and Uncle Eric |
with his friends Fox, Sawyer, George, and RA |
Legos! He would get them for every gift if we let him! |
The next night, Cooper had six friends (since he turned six) camp out in
Edie & G-Chip's backyard! They had a bonfire, played, watched a
movie, ate, and had a great time! Thankfully, there were lots of dads
(who happen to be friends of Dan's) who spent the night, too!
The backyard setup |
the boys watching Star Wars on the screen outside | | | | | |
Nan and the sweet dads- Todd, Barry, Josh & Chad |
Cooper is such a fun six year old! He is so expressive and joyful all
the time. He is such a sweet big brother to RA- our favorite is that he
walks her into her classroom and gives her a hug and a kiss every
morning after they are dropped off at carpool! We try to remember these
sweet times when he aggravates her! He is doing great in kindergarten
and is reading and writing very well! He loves to be the boss and never
wants to miss anything that is going on. Cooper loves hanging out with
his dad- they enjoy doing just about everything together but playing
Wii is close to the top of the list! His favorite toys are- hands-down-
Legos. He got a great cart that organizes them from Edie & G-Chip
for his birthday which definitely helps me keep my sanity with the
massive amounts of little pieces! Coop is on the smaller size right
now- about 25 percentile for height and weight and has not lost his
first tooth yet (although there are a couple starting to get loose)!
We are so thankful for this precious boy and all of the joy that he
brings to our family! I can't believe he is six- time needs to slow