Saturday, August 6, 2011

First Day at USJ!


Our USJ journey has begun! Cooper had his first official day of Jr-K yesterday. Dan and I went with him to meet his teachers, take his school supplies, and see his classroom. His teachers are Miss Cindy and Miss Kellie. They are both so sweet, and he has several great friends in his class (whose parents are great friends of his mom & dad's, too) which makes it nice to start at a new place!

Cooper having to put on the USJ uniform was definitely the worst part for this mom! His collared shirt and khaki pants/shorts time has now come, and I'm going to have to get over it and quickly! The worst part starting next week will be the 7:50 school start time for this lazy-morning family! Overall, though, we are all excited about Cooper starting school. The back-to-school bash was a fun way to celebrate last night, too! Here are a few more pictures from the day:

Reese Ann needed to get in on the picture-taking action!


a quick hair trim before walking out the door!

Dan and Coop heading in with all of the school supplies!

Cooper and his buddy George making themselves right at home in their classroom!
