Monday, March 15, 2010

One evening at home...

and lots of fun pictures to show for it! We captured some "firsts"...

first time in her stokke high chair

showing that first speck of tooth coming through her pink gums

these two getting cheesy for the camera at the same time (can you tell they belong together??)

and just some sweet family moments...

some good loving from Daddy

and some sweet smiles for Mama (drool and all)!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

6 months!


I cannot believe that our precious Reese Ann is six months old! The time has flown by, but it also feels like she has always been here! She continues to be nothing but a sweet, precious, joyful, and laid-back baby! She is still quite petite (weighing in at only about 13 1/2 pounds), so it's somewhat funny to see her 6 month motor skills on such a little person! Here are a few things that define her in her 6th month:

She loves to chew on her fist and hands,
She has two teeth that can be seen under the gums, but have yet to make their way through (Cooper says they are "sleeping"), rolls over both ways,
She is quite attached to her pacifiers,
sleeps about 12 hours at night mostly on her side,
wakes up cooing and playing every day and gives the biggest smile you have ever seen
when she is rescued from her crib,
has precious "fat-baby" thighs (mama's favorite!),
she has gotten tons of dark hair back over the last few weeks,
has been eating rice cereal and just started eating oatmeal,
loves to grab anything she can get her hands on- including mom's earrings,
plays with her feet whenever she can get to them,
is sitting up for short periods of time (will be only days before she realizes how fun it is to sit up!),
She loves to stand up in your lap, on the floor, or wherever she can and is very strong!


We are so thankful for the blessing that she is to our lives and family, and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for her next 6 months and the years to come!

