My friend,
Katy, tagged me to play the random fact game! How fun! Here are 7 random facts about me...

1. I am an 8 hour girl- more if possible! I love to sleep. My mom would probably say I am making up for all of the nights I did not sleep in my childhood! Overall, Cooper has allowed me to remain this way even with a little one living in our house. Lately though, he is waking up between 5 and 6. I am not happy about it!

2. I am training to run a 1/2 marathon with my good friend, Josie. This is a big feat for both of us because although we have always been exercisers, we have never been runners. It is also a feat because we have set a goal with exercise and are following through with it! December 6th is the day!
3. I love to decorate. Not a huge surprise to people who have been to my house, but I love to decorate for holidays, too! I get it honestly because my mom decorated for every holiday growing up, and I loved it! Here are my witches that I have had for many years and who make me so happy to pull out Halloween decorations every fall!

4. Ok, this is more of a confession, but I love Sex & the City. I have never watched the full-blown episodes on HBO, but I love the PG rated TBS reruns. I also loved the movie and purchased it when it came out at Target- much to the dismay of my husband! I think it is my fascination with the clothes (fabulous) and how people live their daily life in NYC! It is a city I love to visit (yearly if possible) but could never live in!

5. I have a tendency to be a political junkie. With the car time that my job dictates, talk radio is so readily available and is so easy to get sucked into. After the 2004 election, I had to detox from all of the politics, and I imagine that starting in about 10 days, I will begin the detox for 2008.

6. I like a tidy house! I feel better about the day when I know that the house will be clean when I get home. If for some reason I leave the house a mess, it bothers me all day. Definitely the control freak coming out in me! That being said, my car and closet are disasters! I guess I just like knowing where the mess is and knowing that it is contained!

7. I love make-up! It's not that I wear a ton of it, but I love the promise of a new "product!" I like it from any retail outlet, but Sephora is euphoria to women like me! The online version is so enticing, and I have to literally walk the other way when one is close to me in a mall if I am not willing to commit some serious cash!
So here are the rules:
*Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
*Tell seven random facts about yourself on your blog
* Tag seven people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs
*Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog
I'm tagging:
JessicaKathyMary DeVanSelwynHollyok- I know it is only 5, but I don't have that many blogging friends!! Too many of my friends are on Facebook instead!