Friday, September 11, 2009

A week later...

We are adjusting to being a family of four! We are sleeping a good amount for having a week-old baby and having fun hanging out and bonding! Dan was able to take the week off to be at home which has helped me tremendously after my c-section and with not being able to drive. We've had lots of visitors and help from family and friends, too! Reese Ann is gaining weight and after a little concern about her bilirubin count, has been deemed healthy! No more doctors for two weeks anyway! Cooper loves his baby sister, but has had a bad cold all week, so it has been a challenge to keep him out of her face. We will be glad when it passes, and he can love on her more and can start pre-school next week! I am so thankful to not be pregnant anymore that I feel like I can handle anything around here!

Reese Ann in her new swing that she thankfully loves and that blends with the decor, too!

Cooper playing with his trucks- never far from his baby sister!

I love having pink in the laundry!

the front door wreath that my talented mom made!


Katy said...

Love all of Reese Ann's dark hair!! :) What a peanut. And---love her super cute swing. That is darling!
Glad to hear things are going well! I know what you mean---it's a challenge to keep the big sis/bro out of the newborn's face!! :)

NorthParkAve said...

I love the laundry photo---love the nod to simple joys.
