Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First day of school- Finally!

Cooper's cold that he picked up the weekend the baby was born was finally not too bad this morning, so he started school! With the help of driver Dodo (aka Joise!), we all got there in one piece. Daddy met us from work there to take Cooper in! He had a great morning! He loved the firetruck on the playground and playing with new friends (whose names he couldn't begin to remember)! His teachers were so sweet, and we are glad he was able to start today!

Dodo helping to get us out the door! Thanks for being my chauffeur!

Cooper with his backpack & firetruck shirt that he is so proud of!

with Daddy before going into school

with one of his teachers- Miss Libby

1 comment:

The Felkins said...

So fun to see Josie on your blog! Please tell her I said, "Hello!" Looks like Cooper went into his first day of school with great excitement!!! Love the updates!
