Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Round 1!

I am a little behind here, still, but trying to catch up. We still have not had Christmas with the Edwards side of the family- hopefully that will happen this weekend, but I wanted to go ahead and blog about our actual Christmas celebration on the birth of Christ!


We started Christmas Eve with Nan and Uncle Rob, lots of food, and Christmas Eve service at church. Reese Ann loved the paper, but she also loved her baby doll and feeding her (and herself with the baby bottle, too).


Cooper got some great gifts that night- a guitar from Uncle Rob & Optimus Prime transformer from Nan being the favorite.


Christmas Morning started with Santa and his loot! The kids had a blast- as did their mom and dad!



and my favorite picture- our little junk-food-junkie getting caught finishing off Santa's cookies!

After playing with Santa's toys for a while and a quick breakfast with Nan and Uncle Rob, we packed up and headed to Memphis to be with Sister Ashlie at the hospital and spend some time with the rest of the fam at Natalie & Eric's house. We had a wonderful Christmas day with them considering all that was going on with Ashlie. Dan and I spent a big part of the day up at the hospital while Mom, Dad, Nat, Eric, and Granny got fun kid time. We only had a few presents for the kids to open, and the rest of the presents are still waiting, but everyone truly appreciated family, the gift of the Christ-child, and time together this Christmas day. Ashlie was truly blessed with a wonderful Christmas gift the next day in a new, healthy liver! We are so thankful! Here are a few pictures from the events that day...



Reese Ann loved Cooper's basketball goal from the Carruths!


While I spent the Christmas night at the hospital with Ashlie, the rest of the Edwards family had a slumber party at Nat & Eric's house. They had so much fun that they had another slumber party later in the week!

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