Friday, December 31, 2010

December Festivities

I am completely behind on the blog because of the crazy turn that our lives have taken in the month of December with my sister, Ashlie's sudden illness and liver transplant, but I did not want to miss documenting some of our fun events and our holidays even though it's a little late!

Cooper has absolutely loved Christmas this year! We have tried very hard to keep the focus on Jesus and giving not receiving, but it sure has been hard. Two things that we did this month did make an impact- I think! One of these was an Advent Chain that had a devotion for everyday in December. Dan and I started not giving each other gifts the year that we got married. Instead, we adopted a family and bought presents for them. We have continued this tradition with us and expanded it to the kids this year. They got gifts from Santa and then from grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc, but they did not get gifts from us. We adopted a family who needed some help having a Merry Christmas and shopped and wrapped all of the presents for them together as a family. We had the best time doing this, and I think it made Cooper find a little more value in giving- at least for a little while!

Cooper's school program was a couple of weeks ago. It was very cute, and Cooper was the ham of the show.

Here are Cooper and Reese Ann in a rare good picture of both of them before the program

This is a good summary picture of Cooper's behavior at the program- he was very proud of himself and provided much entertainment for everyone!

and another showing how much he amused himself and enjoyed the performance!

Reese Ann loved watching her brother perform, and when the entire room of people was quiet during a break from singing, Cooper yelled, "Calling Reese Ann!" Dan and I wanted to crawl under the chairs, but RA loved it! On the ride home I asked Cooper if his teachers told him to stay quiet while on the stage between songs, and he said, "they did, but not every kid up there had a baby sister, and I really wanted her to see me." At least his intentions were good- I guess!

With Edie & Nanie at the program

Santa was also there, and you can tell by this picture that RA was not a fan!

and another! You can tell in this one that Santa might not have been a big fan of RA either! He did still visit her on Christmas morning, though!

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