Monday, June 7, 2010

The last week or so...

around here has been absolutely crazy, but lots of fun! We took the kids to the river for Memorial Day weekend, and Reese Ann loved her first trip to our favorite summer getaway!


She and Cooper had so much fun playing on the top of the boat in the kiddie pool.


After the relaxing weekend at the river, the wedding madness began! I do not have tons of pictures to share, but we caught a few moments of the week & weekend. This was Cooper's pre-rehearsal ring bearer practice-



He did well at his own practice, horribly at the rehearsal on Friday night, but he pulled it out at the wedding! This momma was very emotionally composed until I took my place on the alter and turned around to see my little boy walking down the aisle exactly like we had told him to- then I turned to mush!

A few more pictures from the wedding weekend...






and last, but not least, the happy couple- Natalie & Eric- at the rehearsal dinner



Katy said...

Such beautiful pictures, Whit! Love the pic at the top of your blog, btw!

So happy for Natalie. What a fun weekend---I know how you felt--when your child is in the wedding, you're really hoping they don't mess it up! haha :)

Kathy said...

Looks like the wedding was beautiful and lots of fun! So happy for all of you! I love sweet Reese Ann's swimsuit - Emma has the same one with purple monogram!`
